Montana Smith Wiki
The Vast Lands

The Forbidden Vast Lands was a vast area in China that belonged to the Ney'shro Cartel. Ney'shro, the leader, claimed the land for himself in search of a book believed to contain scrolls from thousands of years ago.


The Palace of the Vast Lands was built by korean slaves thousands of years ago for King Gemin of the Gemin Dynasty. The Vast Lands contained a palace located in the far left of the area and a lake that was in its center. The palace and the lake was surrounded by walls four stories high. It contained booby traps for unwanted wanderers and a gaurdian dragon that lived even after the Vast Lands was discovered by Ney'shro. Ney'shro didn't manage to slay the dragon but instead bypassed it while on his search.

A year after the quest at Kanjura, Montana, Scarlett, and Karma were also looking for the Forbidden Book. They were unknowing of the chinese gang that roamed the lands and also unknowing of the mighty dragon, possesed by a demon, like the Evil Demon Monkeys were.

Montana was constantly confronted by the Ney'shro Cartel, and the Evil Demon Dragon. Once they had the book, found and safe, they were even confronted by a deadly samurai. Karma defeated him and they fled.


The Forbidden Vast Lands has no appearance in Temple Run and Temple Run 2. It is a fanon-based page for the wiki's sole purpose.

Related Pages[]

Evil Demon Dragons

The Forbidden Book

Montana Smith and the Forbidden Book
